Friday, September 13, 2019

Uncomfortability in life

Uncomfortability in life
By : Odd Even Life. Blogspot. Com 

The Daily Life Of Common People And Their Behaviour 
          Here we are going to discuss about the miseries of the common people in life today. 
          How the common man today; is reacting to the circumstances, and the awkward positions the time and situation has put him in. 
          No matter the situation we (By we, I'm referring to the common man) are in today, we're heading towards a place where we are finding ourselves in a difficult situation and even our comfort level has dipped to the lowest position. 
           The enormous pressure from peers and the upper class and from various other sections of the societies is being seen all over. 
            The pressure I'm referring to may be from colleagues at the workplace, the girlfriend pressure, the parents' pressure, the spouse' pressure, the friends' circle pressure, the status pressure, social gathering pressure etc. 
            These are the ones (pressure) which have to be dealt with guts, ease, straightforwardness, positivity, open mindedness and strict attitude. 
            And there are circumstances where we (The Common People) tend to lose our hearts with the negative impacts created by the orthodox society and its trends……………………
                  I'll discuss a few of them in this post. 
  • Now, talking about the "Workplace Pressure".
  • I need to describe it in detail, so that it could teach all of us a befitting lesson, about how one should overcome such situations and handle all the pressures in a brave manner without suffering fears from any corners. 
             In clear words, I should say that, when it comes to workplace pressure, you have to handle situations with tender care, as it is a place where we (The Common People) are dealing with our colleagues and superiors, who are not to be ignored directly, rather you can indirectly create situations without offending anyone, and still be at peace and harmony. 
             To elaborate it, I'll suggest you to be at your utmost alertness without doing any harm to your current job. Such discomfortness can be vastly seen at work places across the globe. No doubt, securing our current job has to be our main motive; but, can we come out of situations, where we have nothing in our hands, at times. 
                  We always live in fear of losing our current job irrespective of the fact that the roads are wide open even if we lose it, but we need to struggle for the new one. 
  • Let's now talk about the "Girlfriend Pressure".
  • This is a situation where everyone of us who have been in some kind of a relationship with girls and girlfriends can feel it quite clearly. Am I right guys…….!!! 
                Hey "GIRLS", I'm not here to discourage you by any means. Barring a few intelligent girls, most of the girls are trying to exploit the pure hearted and open minded boys today. 
               Here, I'm just trying to get my readers know that how it (Girlfriend Pressure) can be difficult for the guys who are in pressures from their counterparts. These guys fall prey to the clever girls and without even understanding the ultimate motives of the exploiting girls. Sometimes the boys fall under the traps laid by bad girls, assuming it (The Trap) to be a real long lasting love relationship………!!! This is where some boys get trapped into and succumb to severe pressures and find themselves in a disastrous situation. And breaking the laid trap by the girls, becomes even more difficult to break open. These boys and such common people cannot break the web trap quite easily and ultimately lose heart and their confidence. 
                   So guys, "handle the girls" with care and awareness……………..
  • Now, let's throw some light over the "Parents' Pressure".
  • This is a situation where everyone of us get squeezed into. And this is not because of anything else, but only for the respect we pay to them for their invaluable efforts made by them in taking care of ourselves from the day of our opening of our eyes at birth. How can one forget and let go of their (Parents') hard work in bringing up our life on the right track. 
            But at times it gets difficult in coping up with their (Parents) adamant orders and behaviour which results into a non ending verbal conflict. And as a result of this, some of us tend to get uneasy and uncomfortable which can even lead to short term or even long-lasting depression. 
  • Let's now go and talk about other pressures; it's called the "Spouse Pressure".

    This is the most mind 

    blowing one of all the 

    above mentioned 

    pressures and would be 

    the most delicate one 


    If at all some day 

    or the other, we make 

    any sort of a ranking 

    systems regarding 

    "Social Problems or 

    Pressures", this very one 

    (The Spouse Pressure) 

    would stand all alone at 

    the first position. No 

    matter, whatever be the 

    causes, this (Spouse 

    Pressure) would top the 

    list by any means. This is 

    the situation which has 

    to be handled with 

    utmost care and caution 

    to overcome it. 

    Many a 

    times, we are under 

    severe pressure from 

    our counterparts that we 

    even end up giving our 

    lives at ease.
And so the common people are mostly the sufferers overall all the way in their life.
  • And last but not the least, we must highlight the "Social Gathering Pressure". 
                  The common people now, somewhere or the other are reeling under situations where they are avoiding "Social Gatherings". 
              To discuss it in detail we have to enter into the thought process of the common people in general where their likes and dislikes have largely gone in the drains. 
                       They (I'm referring to the common people) think that they have been all the time neglected over the years, just because of their current status and position they are in now. 
             The contrast between the upper class and the lower class (ie the common people) have never been upto the standards. 
               The upper community has always been at the supreme power and their superiority speaks all the details until now. This difference between the upper and the lower class has widened far more than it can be imagined. 
                         The supremacy factor, the quality factor, the qualification factor, the status factor, the money factor, the assets factor etc all have had the upper hand when it comes to the differentiation amongst the upper and lower community people. 
                           These have been the ultimate factors behind the common people's absence from the "Social Gatherings". 
                  The uncomfortability level of the life of common people in general has to be kept in our minds so that the situation doesn't get worse………………

  • Here I'm making an end to this episode, thanks once again for reading……………


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